I could sum up February just by saying we've been sick again and we've been doing home school.
We've been learning a little bit about light and shadows with school. The girls were so excited to make shadow puppets. Can you see Kendi's dog? Pretty good, eh?
Aydri had elaborate stories to go with her shadow puppets.Please don't mind the homely school look. Aydri isn't naked, she just will not wear clothes when she is tired.
On Valentine's Day, we took the kids to lunch with us and then went to Gma and Gpa Bulloch's house. The snow was perfect for building snowmen and they built this in no time. Gpa is always eager to get out the back hoe for the kids. Kendi got to ride in the bucket.
Believe it or not this snowman is not even close to the size of one they built on Christmas Day when Kendi was a baby.
So the exercising that I talked about last month hasn't improved much this month. I've been sick three times this month, but the last time wasn't bad enough to keep me from working out. I'm still only up to about 20 minutes every other day though. Health wise I've been feeling worse. I've sent a tissue sample to a lab and will get a detailed report back in April. I'm almost hoping to find out that I have metal toxicity because it would be an explanation for everything and hopefully a means to an end. Metals harbor virus', like Eptein Barr, so that is why you never get the virus out of your body. That's why they use mercury in vaccines. >_< I'm going to start some heavy detoxing soon and in the past, light detoxing has made me super irritable, so if you don't want to see my Bulloch side come out, stay back.