Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Messy House is a Happy House


I can't remember where I first heard that saying, but it made me finally have a reason to smile about my messy house. Since then, I've often thought about what it means. Most often if my house is messy, I'm not happy. So how could this be? There have been days where I have considered posting pictures of my house because it would give you all a good laugh. I hate the fact that some people judge you by how clean your house is. Here are a few things I've been thinking about.

A friend came up to me at church and asked what I had been up to. I told her, "I've been really busy, getting nothing done." It only took her a second to realize exactly what I meant and we both had a good laugh. She has two young kids as well. Whenever I attempt to clean a room really well, it is guaranteed that my kids are destroying another room at that very moment. Even Jared, being artistically minded and not organizationally minded, is like a tornado in a trailer park. I mean that with kindness. Its two steps forward and one step back at my house. Jared was working from home one day and by the end of it I said to him, "I've been going and going all day long and if you look around it doesn't look like I've done anything. He agreed. If you stop by my house at any given time I will be cleaning, doing laundry, preparing food or washing dishes. I'm not going to blame everyone else for this messiness, but I'm not going to yell at them for it either. You see, a messy house is a happy house, partly because I refuse to stomp around and throw tantrums till everyone obeys. A clean house is not worth ruined family relationships.

There are people out there with young kids like mine that do keep a clean house. I've often wondered and marveled at these people. They must have so much energy and discipline to be able to follow their family around and clean up all their messes and do nothing else. No. . .maybe my kids are especially messy. That must be it. A while ago, I came across a parenting magazine article and I finally realized what it was. My kids play all day. They don't sit on their behinds watching TV for hours on end. I would rather have them playing and making block castles with hundreds of blocks and filling the bathtubs with a laundry basket full of clean clothes than brainlessly losing their attention spans in front of a television so that I can keep a clean house. Don't think that my kids don't know how to clean either. Kendi has certain rooms that must be cleaned everyday before she can have her allotted TV time. She actually likes to clean. Sometimes I tell her that she only has to clean up the toys. When I come back from being with Aydri, the room I left Kendi in will be spic and span and she will be beaming. She knows that we are genuinely ecstatic when she helps.

I don't believe nagging your family to death works as an efficient way to motivate them to clean. I do believe that kids should be kids and play more and sit less. As they get older they will be more aware of how they play and more capable of helping out. Until then, our messy house will be a happy house.


RonElaine said...

Oh, this is so true! Although the messy-ness at our house doesn't bother me too much, there are days I think I may go crazy!!!

Good idea about Kendi cleaning for her TV time!! Why haven't I thought of that? Maliah loves to clean.

The Teagan Times said...

Oh thank you so much for posting this. Now I know I'm not the only one. We are so happy right now we don't know what to do. By that I mean the house is a crazy mess. The only way I can keep it clean is to work literally all day. I was doing it for a few weeks but it meant that I would clean all day except time I had sceduled (Yes Scheduled!) for Jade to play outside. I had also scheduled myself some craft time which usually didn't happen. I haven't really asked but I would guess that everyone felt more on edge. I know I wasn't happy because I worked from sun up to sun down only to have a mess at the end of the day. The kids didn't get the attention they deserved and needed. Excuse my choice of words but it was crap. So now it's a mess and I'm not happy about that either but I need to find a happy place in between. I think those people that have the perfect houses are giving up something that we are just not willing to give up. It might be free time, time with friends, time with the kids. I don't know but I know that in every case that I've envied someone for something they can do I almost always find I'm unwilling to give up what they give up to do that particular thing. We really can't have it all can we? Can you tell this is something that has been on my mind? When do I ever write a book here. I've just been telling myself that this is where I'm at in life. I have small children. When they are grown up they won't pull everything out. My house will be clean and I'll be sad that they aren't little anymore and I'll yearn for the mess. Okay I'll hush now. :)