Monday, October 4, 2010

Day Forty Seven

This should have been posted two weeks ago. If I don't post the day it takes place then I lose motivation. I usually don't worry about catching up, but this day was fun.

They poured concrete at 7 am and I was supposed to bring the kids out at 8 to put their hands in the cement. I didn't get there till 8:30 and was afraid we had missed the opportunity. Luckily it was a colder day and the cement hadn't dried yet. Unfortunately, it was so cold that it took almost three more hours to dry enough. I had to keep these two little busy bodies out of the wet cement and the holes around the house. It was quite the chore for me.
At one point I put them in the car and gave them food to eat. Kendi got a hold of the camera and took this picture.
Finally, at 11 am they got to stamp their hands and feet. I didn't get good pictures because I was so ready to leave. Kendi was an hour late for preschool so we had to take off quickly. I still haven't got a good picture of the final prints.