It's been a fun and busy summer so far and we have tons of stuff still planned. So much stuff that we won't be able to do all of it.
Lately, we've been able to enjoy the shady evenings in my parents back yard while the kids play in the water. Good times. Aydri looks really sweet in this picture, but you should see the girls fight over this chair. You'd think they'd like the pink one more.

Aydri's favorite thing to do with the slip and slide is try to drink the water. She holds this position forever until her thirst is quenched.

Right before Cari left to be an RN at a summer camp in PA we took the kids hiking to Kanarra Falls. We didn't make it all the way to the falls with the kids, but itwas fun.

I try not to make any plans for the Forth of July. It seems to be more fun when everything is spontaneous. Of coarse, we went to the parade.

Kendi has a little friend in our ward who she has been through Nursery and Primary with. She has an older brother who has always been especially friendly to Kendi and always gives her some extra attention. When he started holding her hand at the parade and helping her catch candy I started thinking that his intentions might be more than friendship.

This picture is for Cari. We miss you.

My Aunt just got back from boot camp and they decided to have a spontaneous lunch at the Ranch. We had BBQ hamburgers, hot dogs, dutch oven potatoes and a lot of other good stuff. It was nice to see some family that we really should see more often.
After eating, riding the four wheeler and visiting with family. Jared, Jana, and Adrian went for a bike ride down the Virgin River Rim trail from Navajo to Wood's Ranch. Jared forgot to give me the keys to our car so I got stranded up there. I didn't mind. I could stand a few extra hours in the mountains. Stac and Rob rode to where the trail crosses the road to catch Jared and got my keys for me, thank goodness. We got home just in time to run to the theater and catch the new Eclipse movie. Sorry, I thought it was dumb, but I'm not a movie person. Books are always better. Jacob is a psychopath in the movie. We got out of the movie just in time to see the fireworks. I was so tired, and a little disturbed from seeing vampire heads fly, that I couldn't even put a sentence together.
Kendi loves baking with her Easy Bake Oven. I have to limit how many times a week we make treats. She is always creative with how she makes them. By the time she is done, she has licked so many spoons and bowls that she doesn't end up eating the finished cakes. Frosting on the forehead.

Aydri was playing peekaboo while we baked.
This is what we've been doing the most of lately. Riding around in the car looking at houses and lots for sale. The kids have always been good in the car, but this summer we have pushed them to their limits. Poor Kids. Fortunately, we have settled on building a house. . . ourselves. I absolutely love the lot that we found in a great neighborhood and can't wait to get started. My dad is letting us modify a home plan that he has built several times so it will be exactly what we want in a house. I think it will be a place we will live, raise our kids, pay off and retire in.

There was not AC. I was dying.