Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Aydri's Glasses

Aydri's glasses came earlier than I thought they would. I was anxious when we went to go get them fitted. I was afraid she would hate them. So far it hasn't been even close to as bad as I thought it would be. Coming out of the dr's office she was grinning and giggling. I couldn't believe it. I was relieved and excited too. Then about half way home she decided that she wanted to play with them. She tore them off her face and started twisting them and sucking on them. What could I expect from a 1 1/2 year old. I had to pull over and take them from her and she cried the rest of the way home. I wondered if she was old enough to have explained to her why she needed to wear them. I could tell that she knew a difference already when she wore them. I convinced her to put them back on to show grandma. She put them back on and when we got in the house Kendi had a friend over that wears glasses too so that helped. You can see the lazy eye in the pictures. The doctor gave her 2/3 of her perscription so that her eyes would have to work a little to correct the lazy eye. Just to remember her perscription is 2.50.
I can't get a decent picture of her. I'm surprised at how cute they are on her. I was a little worried because after I got contacts everyone decided to tell me that I looked bad in glasses. haha.
She keeps touching them and making them really dirty. I only took them off twice to clean them because I had to fight her to put them back on. After getting her to put them back on we kept her busy with activities like coloring, reading books and eating finger foods. After about an hour of leaving them alone I decided to let her play and see what happens. So far she has kept them on. Wish us luck.


Meridy said...

I'm so glad that she is taking to them! She does look cute in them. :)

skinners said...

i read this post in a hurry between doing one thing or another, back on the day you posted it and never came back to comment. she looks so cute!! how has the adjustment gone?