Saturday, August 21, 2010


At this moment Kendi wants to be Jessie, from Toy Story, for Halloween. She wanted to be a cowgirl last year, but changed her mind several times and ended up being Cinderella. We've moved in with my parents while the house is being built and there is a horse pasture in front of their house so the kids watch and play horses a lot. Today, Kendi looked out the window and said, "Hey, that horse has tipped over." Then she ran to the door and yelled out, "Hey, that's not how you're supposed to treat yourself!"


Meridy said...


123123 said...

Oooh! You should dress Aydri as the Alien and we can all go as a group!! I'm trying to find a Bo Peep for myself and Ethan will, of course, be Buzz. Jare is trying to figure out a Woody costume for himself. That. Would. Be. AWESOME! :) Let me know!

Meridy said...

That's funny!