Thursday, August 26, 2010

Life Between Building

I'm trying to keep life as normal as possible for the kids so that they don't hate the house building process. Kendi has a "Summer Chart" that gives her a checklist of things she has to finish everyday. When she completes the whole chart she gets to pick an activity. She's been begging to make gingerbread houses for a while. I don't know where she got the idea. She finally completed her chart the other day so we found some grahm crackers and frosting. As I was getting everything ready, Kendi looked at me and gasped. Then she dramatically exclaimed, "My dreams just came true."
After I took some pictures the gingerbread house started to collapse. This was her face.
Her dream was crushed and she was close to tears so I suggested that we keep building on top of it. She decided that was okay.

Aydri has located every mud puddle on the premises.
We were waiting for our car to get fixed so we got slushies at a nearby gas station and found some shade. The lawn was covered in clovers so I told Kendi to look for a four-leaf-clover. She found one. She thought that was pretty special. I've looked my whole life and have never found one. The lawn-mower had gotten some of it, but you could tell it had four leaves.
Aydri likes to pull out Kendi's clothes and put them on.
By the way, we stopped by Auto Zone to buy parts to fix our car ourselves and they wanted $160 for the part. We knew that was a bad deal. Tunex replaced the part and fixed it for us for $65. WOW!