Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Impromtu Photo Shoot

Kendi got a new tutu. When she got dressed for ballet in the morning I realized that she matched an outfit I'd made for Aydri. I was waiting to have professional pictures done, but Kendi had her hair done and Aydri's had been recently cut. We had about an hour before ballet and seemed like the stars had aligned for me. So I tried to take some pictures. Out of a couple hundred shots these are the ones that turned out. Poor Aydri got tired about half way through. Although she would still smile for us, she didn't want anyone near her.
Aydri is so cute with stuffed animals and baby dolls. She gives them lots of luvs and kisses.
Kendi's favorite thing to do for the camera.
They have been able to play together a lot more lately. A few days ago they spent an hour sitting in a laundry basket together laughing their heads off.
I love the pictures that show real expressions.
I spent way too much time on this applique. I did it all with my regular sewing machine. I could have just got one custom made for $13 from stitcheroos. Oh well.

I never thought I could get such cute pictures in my own living room


Katie said...

You are so talented! Kendi's hair is adorable and so is Aydri's little bottoms. :)

Meridy said...

Good job! They look professional.