Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mother's Day Memories

I'm sure this will be boring to the rest of the world, but I wanted to write down some things to remember about mother's day.

I actually woke up with an uncontrollable cough that I knew would keep me home from church. Aydri was acting sick too so that was one more reason to have to stay home. I hate staying home from church. It is the longest three hours of the week when you can't go to church and I hate missing it too. The saddest part was that I knew I would miss seeing Kendi sing with the Primary for the first time. I even considered going just long enough to see her, but by then it was already too late to make it. Kendi was so sweet to me that morning and tried to sing to me some made up mother's day songs.

Apparently, at church, Kendi was a little scared to go up and sing with the kids so Jared went up with her. When she got up there an older girl held her hand. So sweet.

When Kendi got home she couldn't wait to give me the things she made in primary. She had a cookie flower that was made out of fudge striped cookies and gumdrops. I ate it right away in case it had egg in it. She also had some "helping-hand-coupons" for me and a poem about her tiny hands with cutouts. The ward had given out chocolate covered strawberries to all the moms also.

Jared made sure that I didn't have to lift a finger all day. Even when Aydri had two poopy diaper's, he changed both of them. Kendi was very sweet and caught on to all the mother's day stuff that was going on and was very helpful and sweet.

We visited both Gma's and gave them photo books we had made earlier in the week. Kendi and I had also made photo cards to send to all the great gma's too.

It was a great day that turned into a bit of a roller coaster when Kendi started throwing up on the way home. And we got news that Tammy had been in a terrifying, life-threatening situation that made me lay awake all night. I want to remember all the good things that happened and how grateful I am to be a mom.