Saturday, February 14, 2009


Kendi used to pronounce very word exactly like a grown up. It surprised everyone that someone so young could talk so well. Lately she's gotten into some habits of replacing V's with B's and Y's with L's. Maybe she'll be a normal intelligence child after all. :o)

We have been very sick lately so we've been stuck at home trying to entertain ourselves. We started to make valentines, but Kendi got tired and layed down on the couch and went to sleep. Wish every night was that easy, but I'd rather have her feeling well.

We also made valentine cookies, but with all the coughing we decided to not give them out to anyone. Hope you all understand.


Kollen Marchant said...

She is so pretty. I love her hair it reminds me of my girls.

RonElaine said...

I feel like we have been locked in our house since Anna was born - by choice at first, but then we all made the rounds with RSV - and while some days are worse than others, I feel like I'm going crazy!

Hopefully Kendi will start to feel better soon so that you can, too!

The Teagan Times said...

Too cute!