We celebrated Kendi's birthday yesterday. We had so much fun. Jared took the afternoon off and we took Kendi to the park for a picnic. Kendi enjoyed wandering around Park Discovery. She didn't care to play on the slides or the swings she just wanted to explore everything. After the park, we took her home to have a nap before her party.
Kendi loves Care Bears and it was easy to have a Care Bear themed party. She had some cousins and some friends come to play games. Then the rest of our family members that could make it came for cake and ice cream.
We had each of the kids' pick a Care Bear Tummy Charm to have painted on their faces.
We really took advantage of Jared's artistic skills. He also painted a Care Bear poster to play "Pin the Tummy on the Care Bear." We had so much fun getting ready for this party.
Kendi picked Harmony Bear.
While each of them took turns having their faces painted, they colored a tummy symbol to play the game with. They also went outside and played "Had a little Care Bear and He Won't Bite You" while we waited for the rest of the family to come for cake and ice cream.

Happy Birthday Kendi! she is such a cute girl! by the way the cake is adorable!
What a cute cake! Kendi is so beautiful. Happy Birthday to her!
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