Saturday, March 14, 2009

These Last Few Weeks

One really great thing about Kendi is that she knows when she is tired. Her favorite place to lay down and take a nap is on the floor by Jared while he works. She has to have this blankie that my Gma Koami made for her. Kendi calls it "the one with all the colors."

After the last snow storm, Jared took Kendi out to play. They started to build this snowman together. Kendi was singing a song that went like this: "Snowman, snowman, snowman. . . Had a very shiny nose."
Jared spent a lot of time on the face. When he was done, Kendi looked at it and said, "It looks kinda freaky." We laughed because we've never heard her say freaky before.
Kendi entertained herself by throwing snowballs in the water and then running down the sidewalk to see them pass through all the holes. When we had to back the car out of the driveway she got upset and said, "Don't run over the snow. I won't be able to play anymore." We had to explain that it would melt before we got home anyway.
Kendi does a great job and dressing herself. I love the outfits she comes up with.


Kollen Marchant said...

I wish my kids knew when they were tired. They just whine and make us all miserable. Anyways, hope you are feeling well.

Meridy said...

That's funny that Kendi's snowman has a shiny nose. :) I like her outfit too. :)

I also like Jared's sketch of the Savior.

Ben and Anna said...

You guys are just so cute!