Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Who Needs a Doll House?

Who needs a doll house when you have FISHING WORMS? We were able to enjoy watching conference this weekend. We watched the Saturday afternoon session at my parents house. My dad was reorganizing his fishing tackle and let Kendi play with a bag of worms. Kendi played with them the whole time. The cute little worm voices didn't bother me while I listened to conference because it was so funny. She even gave them a ride in her baby buggy.

Jared is able to focus on conference when he is drawing. He always has a pad of paper and a pencil with him during conference. He usually draws whoever falls asleep, but no one did this time. I told him I would sit for him if he would make a quick, non-serious sketch.

For some perplexing reason Jared can never get my face in a live picture. I have sat multiple times and it has never worked out. He doesn't understand why either. Its odd because portraiture is his specialty.

I was especially grateful for conference this weekend. Its getting harder and harder to find something to wear to church. I always end up looking ridiculous and I get the strangest comments from people at church. I hate to admit it, but it was nice to sit at home and watch it on TV.


Kollen Marchant said...

I bet you look great on sundays and anyways we all struggle with finding things to wear. at least you have the pregnancy excuse. I just keep using the I just had a baby and I'm to fat to fit into anything I own excuse. It's not as fun. So anyways, Hope you are doing well.

barrettandaudrey said...

Wow, you are getting so close to having that baby! I understand the "frumpy" church look at the end of pregnancy but you are so pretty I doubt you ever look bad!