Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Torticollis & Plagiocephaly

We are feeling a lot better today. We saw a therapist for Aydri's condition and found out a lot of things. Torticollis is caused by not having enough room in utero. People who saw me when pregnant are going to be flabbergasted by that. Aydri's Plagiocephaly is caused by her Torticollis. Both of her conditions are mild and will go away with treatment. It is especially good that we caught it so early. We've been giving Aydri a lot of tummy time since we found out and the therapist was surprised at how strong she was.

We have to do two different stretches with her four times each for four session during the day. I have already noticed an improvement. Aydri can even relax during the stretches. Aydri had a tendency to turn her head to the right, but tilt her head to the left. That's why it looks like the stretches are going opposite directions.
The Plagiocephaly (flat spot) is on the right side. We have been told not to let her lay on that side at all so that she won't have to wear a helmet. The therapist recommended a head bed. Mid-line is the best position for her head. When I saw how expensive the head beds were I decided to make one instead. It cost us nothing because I was able to use scraps. I also made her a boppy to sit in from scraps from the nursing cover I made. HOLY MOLY, I must like to sew.
The pillow works great and she likes it too.


RonElaine said...

I'm glad you've got things figured out and that they are getting better.

What a resourceful Momma - go you!

Tulsi said...

I'd never heard of these before. She sure is cute!