Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day Seventeen

I'm sure this is getting old and boring to everyone if you're still even reading this blog anymore. You will certainly know how to build your own house by the time we are done.

We poured the footings today. We got a couple extra hours to get ready for the concrete. Seems like we're always scrambling on days we pour cement. I like to get pictures of everyone that helps. This guy is a new neighbor and the inspector. He has also become a good friend. He just showed up to help right as we were getting ready to pour. What a nice guy.
My job was to make sure none of the rebar fell. Two ties broke right off the bat and I was tying them back together under their feet while the concrete was coming. Every time I help pour cement I always end up getting it dumped on my head.
Poor Aydri came with me. I thought we were pouring at 1:00, but it didn't end up being till 2:00 so she sat tied up in the wagon for about three hours. She was great about it, but I still felt awful and hope that I never have to do it again. If someone would like to swap babysitting with me one or twice a week for an afternoon please call or text me.