Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day Twenty Four

I hadn't been out to the house for a while so when Kendi suggested we drive out there after her soccer game we decided it would be a fun ride. There hadn't been much change because they've just been working on plumbing and grading and figuring things out.

The forms make it feel more like a house. haha. It was fun to walk around inside and get a feel for where the basement rooms will be.
This picture is for those who think our house is in Enoch. It's not. I don't want to give details because this is a public blog so you can tell by the mountains where we're at if you're familiar with the area. This is looking at the back of the house and facing east.


skinners said...

hmm... i think i know where it is! how fun! i can't wait to see it when its done!