Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Journal Post

We've been stuck at home with a bad virus so now I finally have time to post. Getting sick really throws a wrench in a lot of things, but it's nice to just stay home, chill with the kids and catch up on reading and blogging.

We are literally within 24 hours of finishing our house. We've got occupancy so we've been busy moving in and unpacking. Our loan is already in the process of closing. Jared isn't feeling well, but wants to get the house done so he is working on it anyway. Hopefully I'll get to organizing my pictures and post some soon.

I am in the process of setting up our Home School. I've been doing some reading about the Thomas Jefferson Education. I've found some curriculum's that I like. We will probably be doing a mod-podge of different things. I am really, really excited to start this adventure with my kids. I hope that it turns out to be a great thing for us. I'm starting a home schooling blog where you can follow us. It will be a record of our successes and failures. I will probably be posting more on that blog than this one once we start the school year.

Kendi is adjusting to the new neighborhood. She had so many friends in Sunset Ridge that it was very hard for her to leave. She has made new friends here, but all of them are boys. They don't play princess or dress up or pretend like Kendi is used to. She comes home covered in mud and aching from being rough on the trampoline and doesn't seem to miss all the girliness. We have a dear, sweet elderly lady up the street that takes Kendi to the library and out for a treat now and then. She is a spunky lady and we love her to death. It still hasn't sunk in with me that Kendi is five now. I feel like my life has been on hold for the last eight months, but it has not been for the kids. It makes me sad.

I can't believe Aydri will be two years old next week. She has really taken off with speaking lately. She talks to us in sentences and helps with the prayers now. She is so sweet when she talks. Sometimes she tries to act mad and throw fits like her sister, but she just can't pull it off. We laugh and then she ends up laughing too. Kendi and Aydri play really well together now that we have our own home. They play hide and seek for hours. They are sharing a room until we finish the basement and they love it. It is working really well. They have spent a lot of time playing with toys they haven't seen in a long time.

We have a lot of projects planned for the summer and Jared and I can't wait to do them together. It will be fun to just go at our own pace. We've got a front yard to landscape and hopefully a vegetable garden to plant. We have room for a big one, but I think I'm going to start small until I know what I'm doing. If only we could get over this terrible cold.