Friday, February 15, 2008


I've been tagged by Jaelyn. Ready, Set, Go!

What is your husbands full name? Jared John Barnes

How long have you been married? 5 Years in May

Who eats more sweets? Jared, by far

Who said I love you first? Probably Jared

How old is he? 25

Who is taller? He is

Who is smarter? Jared is a scriptorian, but I paid way more attention in school

Who can sing better? Jared

Who does the laundry? LeAnn gets it started and Jared finishes.

Who pays the bills? I do.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Depends on which way you look at it.

Who mows the lawn? The Lawn Service.

Who cooks dinner? Usually me, sometimes Jared, somethimes Grandma.

Who drives? Always Jared, unless he's not there.

Who is more stubborn? Jared.

Who kissed who first? Jared said he was too scared and asked me if I would.

Who asked who out? On a date? I don't think we technically dated.

Who has more siblings? I do.

Who wears the pants? I do, but I wish Jared did.

I tag Janae


Anonymous said...

Hey thanks! We need to! I told Greg that we do and he agrees so once my child feels better we will for sure! THANKS for the clothes! You have no idea how nice it is for us to get those! Of course I don't mind if you copy the lilypie thing. I got it from copying someone!