Thursday, October 28, 2010

Without Training Wheels

Kendi learned to ride her bike without training wheels today. She surprised us by doing it without any help. I've been thinking about teaching her since spring, but I wanted Jared to be there. I decided that I would see how she did and then get Jared there to help when she was ready. I took the training wheels off a couple days ago and she tried to take off and almost fell over. It scared her enough to not try very hard. I didn't want to push her so I let her go at her own pace. We went out again today and all I did was show her how to balance with one foot and push the pedal with the other to get going. That was all she needed.
When she told me not to help her I thought about how I didn't bring any band aids along. I was not expecting her to take off right away like she'd been doing it forever. I think riding her scooter helped her learn balance.
Jared pulled up from working on the house while we were still out riding and she got to show him.

Aydri picked up on the excitement and was clapping and hugging me. We're so proud of Kendi. She's on cloud nine right now.


Meridy said...

How exciting! I'm behind!--I need to get Ellie on a two wheeler bike.